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DEIB State Assessment

DEIB Assessments, depending on their aim and scope, provide clients with accurate information about their current scenario and desired state, areas of strengths and development, opportunities for improvement and barriers to inclusion, the change readiness of the company, and the lived experience of members. The audit results offer organisations an effective means to assess their state of DEIB transformation and make data-driven decisions to develop and implement targeted strategies. The findings also serve as a benchmark to track progress over time.


More about our DEIB assessment/audit service:

  • TDCI’s assessment service provide clients with trustworthy and fit-for-purpose qualitative and quantitative data via â€‹Desk top analysisSurveysInterviewsFocus groupsCollaborative methodologies

  • These research methods provide a rich tapestry of employee experiences, offering a comprehensive understanding of the workplace from multiple angles.

  • Data are thematically analysed and interpreted.

  • Our DEIB reports provide an overview of the data, identify the central themes that emerged, explain the key findings, and offer recommendations.

  • Customised scorecards/dashboards can be developed for clients to enable (1) an integrated view of the DEIB outcomes sought, (2) have a standardise framework for viewing and discussing transformation, and (3) provide a standard means of tracking progress.

How our DEIB Assessment Services can assist your organisation

Your Needs

Our Service

Your Results

An Integrated Employment Equity Compliance Audit report provides a detailed analysis of an organization's adherence to employment equity laws and regulations, highlighting areas of compliance and recommending improvements for areas of non-compliance.

How EE compliant are we?

We require qualitative data for our EE Plan.

A report on the lived experience of designated groups, the visible and invisible obstacles that hinder their full participation, and recommendation for improvement.

How do we craft a long-term DEIB strategy and developmental journey.

A holistic report that combines findings from organisational engineering (such as strategic alignment and exco support; policies and practices; supportive structures, systems and facilities) and people and culture (such as employee experiences, influence of leadership, and organizational culture) that offers a comprehensive view of the organization's DEIB status. Recommended strategies for integrated improvements.

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